Errata for the First Edition

There are some errors/typos/bugs found from the 1st edition of the book. Below are the list of such errors either found by myself or fellow readers.

Page 26

Reporter: Marc Le Renard

The description length(a*)=a.b is only true if vector b is unit-sized, else a.b = length(a*) x length(b).

Page 40

Reporter: YangWC

From the equation 1.34, the range of the first \sum should be j < i not j > i.

Page 41

Reporter: YangWC

From the equation 1.36, the definition of conjugate between two vectors should have = 0 in the RHS.

Page 44

Reporter: Marc Le Renard

There should be x. before x , y , z in the std::sin formula.

Page 51 and 52

Reporter: Yang Shixing

In Figure 1.25 and equation 1.49, F_z should be F_x.

Page 90

Reporter: Marc Le Renard

The y-position is clamped to 0 but in the code the y-position is clamped to -7.0.

Page 94

Reporter: Marc Le Renard

From Figure 1.51, the formula should be p = \rho g h + p_{atm} instead of p = p g h + p_{atm}

Page 133

Reporter: YangWC

From Equation 2.9, the formula should be p = \frac{\kappa}{\gamma}(\frac{\rho}{\rho_0}^\gamma - 1), not p = \frac{\kappa}{\gamma}(\frac{\rho}{\rho_0} - 1)^\gamma. The code in the same page is correct.

Page 134

Reporter: YangWC

From Equation 2.10, c_s should be c_s^2 and \gamma should be removed since it’s already taken account in Equation 2.9. The code (line 8~9) also should be:

const double eosScale = targetDensity * square(_speedOfSound);

Page 137

Reporter: YangWC

From Equation 2.14, m should be m^2.

Page 184

There was a bug in the code. The fixed version is shown below:

auto u = velocity->uAccessor();
auto uPos = velocity->uPosition();

velocity->parallelForEachUIndex([&](size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) {
    Vector3D pt = uPos(i, j, k);
    if (isInsideSdf(_colliderSdf.sample(pt))) {
        Vector3D colliderVel = collider()->velocityAt(pt);
        Vector3D vel = velocity->sample(pt);
        Vector3D g = _colliderSdf.gradient(pt);
        if (g.lengthSquared() > 0.0) {
            Vector3D n = g.normalized();
            Vector3D velr = vel - colliderVel;
            Vector3D velt = projectAndApplyFriction(
                velr, n, collider()->frictionCoefficient());

            Vector3D velp = velt + colliderVel;
            uTemp(i, j, k) = velp.x;
        } else {
            uTemp(i, j, k) = colliderVel.x;
    } else {
        uTemp(i, j, k) = u(i, j, k);

u.parallelForEachIndex([&](size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) {
    u(i, j, k) = uTemp(i, j, k);

Page 202

Reporter: YangWC

From Figure 3.17 (c), c should be 1/4 not 1/2.

Page 209

Reporter: YangWC

From Equation 3.36, the extra right bracket on the LHS should be removed.

Page 210

Reporter: YangWC

From Equation 3.43, f^n_3 should move to the RHS as correctly mentioned in the text.